Yes, sometimes you only want to create/set up a certain block within a resource only when a specific part of a variable is set..

…and yes, it’s possible, thanks to try and dynamic blocks as well as for_each :)

Let me show you how to achieve this.

As an example, let’s say, you want to create several different buckets in gcp and you want to use a terraform variable for ‘additional’ definition of some details, apart from ‘default’ settings defined in your .tf file.

Let this be your buckets config variable, let’s name it gcp_buckets, which is understandably in json format:

    "test-bucket": {
        "cors": [
                "origin": [
                "method": [
                "responseHeader": [
                "maxAgeSeconds": 3600
    "test-bucket-two": {
        "ttlDays": 2

Now, you only want to create ‘cors’ block when an ‘bucket’ object in variable gcp_buckets has a key named ‘cors’ and take configuration from there, also you only want to set up specific lifecycle rule only if there is a key named ‘ttlDays’ and take value from there..

This is how I do it, let me explain basics.

  • This resource is only generated when a variable gcp_storage exists and thanks to above mentioned try function it tries to extract json encoded data and if it fails it returns empty object which means no resources are generated, otherwise it generates a resource per each object that we iterate over using for_each.
  • As explained above, block cors for a resource is only ‘dynamically’ created when a key cors exists within the object and then it uses values from there.
  • Same as with cors block, one of the lifecycle_rule-s is also only generated when key with name ttlDays exists and then takes value from there.
  • Last non-dynamic lifecycle_rule serves as an example of ‘default’ block that is being created for every created resource, same as with definition of options for this resource etc..
resource "google_storage_bucket" "global" {
  for_each = try(jsondecode(var.gcp_storage), {})
  name                        = each.key
  project                     = google_project.project.project_id
  location                    = "US-EAST1"
  storage_class               = "STANDARD"
  requester_pays              = "false"
  default_event_based_hold    = "false"
  force_destroy               = "false"
  uniform_bucket_level_access = "false"

  dynamic "cors" {
    for_each = try(each.value.cors, {})
    content {
      max_age_seconds = cors.value.maxAgeSeconds
      method          = cors.value.method
      origin          = cors.value.origin
      response_header = cors.value.responseHeader

  dynamic "lifecycle_rule" {
    for_each = try(["${each.value.ttlDays}"], {})
    content {
      action {
        type = "Delete"

      condition {
        age                        = lifecycle_rule.value
        created_before             = ""
        days_since_custom_time     = "0"
        days_since_noncurrent_time = "0"
        num_newer_versions         = "0"
        with_state                 = "ANY"

  lifecycle_rule {
    action {
      type = "Delete"

    condition {
      age                        = "0"
      created_before             = ""
      days_since_custom_time     = "0"
      days_since_noncurrent_time = "30"
      num_newer_versions         = "0"
      with_state                 = "ANY"

  versioning {
    enabled = "true"

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [labels,]

Hope this is helpful to you and enjoy working with Terraform !